
Icon Collection

Natuzzi Italia

Icon Collection

Icon Collection

Icon Collection

As the adventures of the characters of a novel alternate, so a living room welcomes the stories of people inhabiting it, friendly and intimate. Icon Collection, made up of modular sofas, coffee tables and lamps, takes its inspiration from the dandy atmospheres of a London living room, elegant yet relaxed, reinterpreted with an up-to-date language, made up of soft and generous shapes, luxury materials and a warm, welcoming familiar soul that recalls the heritage of Natuzzi. As a sartorial suit made to measure for a modern gentleman, the design of the sofas is a homage to the shapes of the tradition, updating them with contemporary and destructured lines. In this scenario, the coffee tables and lamps become the ideal butlers that can respond with style and functionality to the needs of who is enjoying the atmosphere.

Icon Collection has been introduced during Milan Design Week 2018.

Designed for Natuzzi S.p.A.



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